Fishing Lures
At the March meeting of Beads N' Beyond, Sue Hansen taught the group her method for covering and embellishing ordinary fish lures. I did not think I was interested, but I was there in the room, she had some lures all prepared with felt glued to the body, gobs of beads were rolling around on the tables, so I started one.
It was hard to believe how 'taken' I was. Within a week I had ordered ten more online. I found out I had ordered the wrong ones - mine had ugly plastic 'spoons' on their lips, but that did not stop me. I snapped off those lips, beaded those babies and ordered more of the right kind.
Then Sharon Nickodem saw the fish at the next meeting and said they were perfect for the Japanese Christmas tree she wanted to do. So I ordered 20 of the 1/8 oz. size and beaded those.

My first fish

Second ones showing how the felt is attached under the beads. Later I gave up on this step and just pulled the beads snug against the lure. No problem.

An early tail solution. I gave it up because the long bugle beads looked more like the veins in actual fish fins.

The madcap moments

Tried different necklace options. Above you can see I was using the clear cord with round balls from the scrotum series.

Tried one more following Sue's instructions.

These were the tiny ones for Sharon's bonsai Christmas tree. It will be shown at the Festival of Trees
November 26, 2010
Gualala Arts
When I ran out of fish I began covering twigs and branches with beads.

This ended up with me covering a four foot tall pruning from an apple tree.
